This Week in Cryptocurrency / The (My) Case for Algorand

There's no ignoring the rapid advancement and public acceptance of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Cryptocurrency. Just one week preceding this post (02/08/2021) we saw Tesla add $1.5 Billion of Bitcoin to their balance sheet and announce that they will begin accepting bitcoin (and other cryptos) as payment.(1) Two days later (02/10/2021) we saw MasterCard announce that in 2021, they will "start supporting select cryptocurrencies directly on [their] network." They do admit that this will be a process requiring regulation and research to ensure MasterCard's compliance measures are met. However, MasterCard does specifically mention stablecoins ("cryptocurrencies that attempt to peg their market value to some external reference(2) - such as the USD" as the implementation they "expect to bring into [their] network"(3). I will come back to why this is important. In further MasterCard news two days later, (02/12/2021) we saw an announcement tha...